Erin's "Big Chop" - Part 2

Erin, co- founder of 2 Girls with Curls, and her husband Colby.

My husband, Colby, did the honors of shaving my head.  At the time, I was pulling clumps of hair out of my head and had some very obvious bald patches. It was time to cut it all off and I was soooo ready to get it done!  Fortunately, I had lots of moral support from my family. My mom and son were both in attendance for the event and as you will see, he approved of the whole thing. Watch a video of my experience here: Erin's Big Chop

My hair was completely gone by week 4 of my chemotherapy. Now, I am in the last stretch of this journey. The time has passed so quickly and I am so grateful for that. Only three more infusions to go!! I am looking towards the finish line and ready to celebrate all the positive outcomes of this treatment.

I am anxiously awaiting the new growth I will experience once I’m chemo-free. Our products, 2 Girls with Curls, are already making a difference with the health of my scalp during treatment and they will continue to do so. Who knows, there might be some new products that come out of this experience. That will certainly be another journey worth documenting. Until then…Embrace Your Curls!


I’ve Got Curls Again - Kind of!


Erin’s “Big Chop”